miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


Un año más nuestros alumnos han podido ser partícipes de una obra de teatro en Inglés. En esta ocasión Secundaria asistió a la obra titulada Mary Frankenstein. Se trata de una historia divertida llena de referencias clásicas que rinde homenaje a una obra de la literatura universal – Frankenstein.
Estas fueron algunas de las impresiones de los que fueron a ver la obra:


On the second of February students from La Inmaculada and Escolapios went to Alcañiz theatre.
We watched a play called “Mary Frankenstein”. It was about a girl, Mary, who was the great-granddaughter of the English writer Mary Shelly, the author of “Frankenstein”. She wanted to make a new version of the classic book.
She persuaded her best friend Victor to help her in this ambitious project.
During the scenes, the actors needed help and some volunteers from both schools helped them. We had a lot of fun and when the play finished, we could ask some questions to the actors.
They were from England and we learnt a lot.

María Lahoz y Alejandra Roldán  4º ESO

On February we went to the theatre to watch the New Frankenstein play. It was very funny. This play is about the new story of Frankenstein written by Mary, the great grand-daughter of the author of the classic Frankenstein.
When they finished the play we thought that the play was very good and funny.

Jiaqi, Mariló, Andrea y Sandra J  1º ESO

Óscar de 4º ESO participando en la obra

Quique de 1º ESO participando en la obra

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